Industry Insights

Recruiting Insights

  • Later Will Be Now Before You Know It

    We have a question to ask you. But you have to slow down to answer it. Stop scrolling. Take a moment. Take a breath. Question: Knowing what you know now, having all of life’s experiences ...

  • Stronger Than Yesterday

    Resilience. It’s one of the secrets to survival, both professionally and personally.  It’s what’s gotten you to where you are, and it’s what will help define who you will become. Looking back at some of the ...

  • The Stress Test

    Countless articles, including several SRA Updates, have addressed one of the most important tasks given to senior leadership within any organization: the ability to identify the next generation of future leaders within the firm. We ...

  • The Dichotomy of Inertia

    When it rains, it pours; most are familiar with this phrase. It’s what we use to describe the inertia of negative circumstances building and snowballing. Can you think of the equivalent phrase used to describe ...

  • Making High-Quality Decisions

    Few things will improve the quality of your life more than learning how to make high-quality decisions. Yet amazingly, no one really teaches us how to do it. Not in grade school; not in high ...

  • How a COO Can Benefit a Growing RIA

    By: Marlene Satter Independent RIAs can derive benefits they may not have realized by leveraging a chief operating officer to manage day-to-day responsibilities. So says the sixth in a series of industry reports from PFI ...

  • Who Thanks Whom?

    A recent article penned for Inc by Suzanne Lucas made the bold statement: “Dear Hiring Manager, Perhaps You Should Write the Thank You Note.” She continues: “The traditional thank you note is from candidate to ...

  • Surviving the Slump

    How excited do you think Pat Sajak is to ask contestants to buy a vowel after all these years? Do you think Beyoncé is tired of singing “Single Ladies” yet? Which do you think Michael ...

  • Play Chess, Not Checkers

    The role of a leader is to take one person’s particular talent and turn that talent into performance. In simple terms, a good leader plays checkers. In checkers, there’s some strategy required but essentially all ...

  • Turning the Grind into the Goal

    A world-renowned athletic coach was asked once what the difference was between the best athletes and everyone else. In other words, what do really successful people do that most people don’t? Of course, there were ...